However, good mental health is not just an absence of a mental disorder, but rather a state of positive mental wellbeing. Recently, there is a greater cognizance and research around positive mental health and the attributes that contribute to it, including some that are fairly obvious like happiness and satisfaction with life. There are several other traits that are linked to improved mental health such as good coping skills , resilience, ability to manage negative emotions, having strong interpersonal relationships, self efficacy, and experiencing gratitude, optimism and meaning in life. The research studies under SSIAR focus on changes the ancient knowledge systems of yoga and meditation bring about to the attributes linked to positive mental health.
SSIAR is committed to scientifically understanding the changes in both positive and negative mental health with the practice of ancient knowledge systems.
NCDs is just one of the challenges concerning physical health. There are many such challenges that need to be addressed like lack of sleep, poor Gut health, how to increase health span for an aging population.
We study the solutions found in ancient knowledge systems that can address global challenges like environmental degradation ,climate change. Specific areas of focus include sustainable consumption and meditation, biodiversity and people’s participation in climate change.